Thursday, August 14, 2008

Why I Love "The Prom"

Mr. Giles. I'd like your opinion. While the last thing I want to do is model bad behavior in front of impressionable youth, I wonder if asking Miss Chase to dance would--

For God's sake, man, she's eighteen. And you have the emotional maturity of a blueberry scone. Just have at it, would you, and stop fluttering about.


Ryan said...

Love it.

And you know, as I watch this now, I think: "How old could Wesley possibly be?"

I would guess about 25, but there's no way he can be older than 35.

Eighteen is legal. BFD.

Melissa said...

Buffy has never been squeamish about age differences. Mostly because, you know, everyone was dating demons well over a century old.