So this recipe is loosely based on one from the New York Times. I love Mark Bittman's columns, and this one in particular really caught my eye. As a college student on the run (thank you, stage managing/research assisting/class taking), I was always looking for quick and easy ways to make things flavorful. Cooking pasta in broth? GENIUS. In no time at all, I was suddenly elevated from pasta with Prego to something just a little bit special. I know it sounds melodramatic, but this idea truly changed my life.
This is the first recipe I'm sharing with you, and you'll notice that already I'm taking shortcuts. That's kinda who I am because
1) I'm cheap and
2) I'm lazy.
As are most people, right? And since I'm showing cooking from a real-world perspective, I'm not going to hide either of those traits from you.
So let's get started!
Pasta Risotto-Style with Spinach and Mushrooms
Servings: 2 (or 1, if you're like me and didn't eat lunch today)
Yes, I use store-brand products. Coupon-cutter since age 6, babes!
- Olive Oil
- 1/2 Onion
- 1 Clove Garlic
- 3 Mushrooms
- Spinach, raw or frozen to taste (I used about a sixth of a frozen package)
- 1 1/2 Cups Chicken Bullion + Water (or Broth, if you're fancy)
- 1/8-1/4 of a box of Pasta (guesstimate depending on how hungry you are; I won't judge you)
Garlic: Watch out, Onion! She's out for you!
Slice an onion in half and chop it up. Chop, chop, chop.
Next, mince up a garlic clove. Mine was rather big, so I used only one, but feel free to use more to taste.
Getting the papery shell off is my favorite part, mostly because
WHAM! I get to unleash some of my inner rage/childhood trauma all over that little bad boy.
*evil laugh*
So now we have our onion chopped and our garlic minced:
Next, we put a bit of olive oil into a pot.
And once it's hot, drop in our little Allium buddies.
While those are getting all deliciously translucent, chop up some mushrooms.
Three should do, but again, add more or less to taste.
Right as the onions are getting clear like on a day during which you could see forever, add the mushrooms and cook for an extra minute or two.
Finally, we get to the pasta part of the recipe! Pour your pasta into the pan and stir it up with the veggies so it gets coated in oil. Add more olive oil if needed.
And now, the risotto part of the recipe. First you need broth. (You could also add white wine, but I usually just make it with broth given the oft-barren state of my kitchen.) You can use homemade stock (delicious) or broth from the store (also tasty), but I prefer bullion cubes. They don't go bad like broth and they're pre-measured, so they're super convenient.
My super-convenient secret weapon!
Add broth 1/2 cup at a time. The pasta will absorb the broth, I promise.
Add broth...
The pasta absorbs it (told ya!)...
And add more broth!
I added about 1 1/2 cups broth total. Right before the pasta is al dente, add your spinach. If you're using fresh spinach, give it a good rough chop before adding.
Oh, frozen spinach. I like how it's so compact.
Mix it on in!
And then once the pasta's ready, you're done! Last step is to salt and pepper to taste (me, I'm mostly all pepper).
I am spasming with tastiness right now.
And if you happened to make more than you planned to, well, it's more deliciousness for you in the form of tomorrow's lunch (or tonight's midnight snack, as was the case for me).
Seriously, how easy was that? And you can make tons of varieties of this. Pick your own vegetables. Add chicken. If you're too lazy to add broth in 1/2 cup increments or you're too busy watching the latest episode of Doctor Who to bother (we've all been there), add it all at the start and the pasta will absorb it. Most importantly, have fun with it!
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