Friday, March 6, 2009

Shippy Moment of the Day: "Being with You Is So Dysfunctional" (Kelly Clarkson)

"My Life Would Suck Without You" ~ Kelly Clarkson

Maybe I was stupid for telling you goodbye
Maybe I was wrong for trying to pick a fight
I know that I've got issues
But you're pretty messed up too
Either way I found out I'm nothing without you

First and foremost, how cute does Kelly look? SO CUTE. She looks so refreshed and natural and beautiful.

What is there not to love about this video? KID LOVE, people! (I realize I'm jumping all over the age spectrum here, but childhood friend love is one of my favorites.)

My favorite part of the video is all the parallels between the kid stuff and the present day. First, the bracelet:

How Naley is that? I also love how she's wearing
this bracelet in her "singing by the window" pose.

And then the fight:
I love how in the kid frame he's looking at her (because he's
the offending party) and in the adult frame it's reversed (her fault).
Just a simple touch that really resonates.

I realize the entire video is really just two people who still act like kids and thus act badly in most regards, flushing keys down toilets and nearly getting into car accidents and almost killing a goldfish by throwing it out the window. But that's what the song's about. And that's what life is about. When you're in love, to quote on Willow Rosenberg, it makes you do the wacky.

This is totally me. Stealing another person's
magazine and whacking him with it.

Although, I try to keep clothing inside the apartment.

It's a modern-day love story. I mean, we live in an age of dysfunctional women and exasperated men (watch any romantic comedy or Grey's Anatomy) and Kelly captures that perfectly in this video. (I don't quite agree with the sexism in this stance, but it's an industry standard by now and at least Kelly puts a twist on it by having the guy also act a little crazy.) Neither party is the "Ideal," but that's okay. We can be loved for our faults as well as for our strengths. It's new-fangled modern ideal: to be loved for the stupid things we do, as well as the great things.

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