A Navy Lieutenant on DiNozzo's ship commits suicide. The suspicious circumstances surrounding his death bring Gibbs and Ziva aboard. Stuff happens. Someone might be trying to release Anthrax. The lieutenant's wife is found dead. It turns out that another guy who was working with the black market faked the officer's death and had actually used his identity to get on the boat...I'm not quite sure. I was doing homework while I was watching it. But Tony was hot.
Let's do the five!
1. TONY!!!!
We barely got Tony in the premiere (last premiere he was barely in because he was "dead," so maybe it's a new tradition). But this episode was overflowing with Tony and I loved me my DiNozzo.
2. Tony/Ziva Tension!
Oh, Tiva! Let's get some hot and steamy action this season. The last two seasons were soooo angsty on the Tiva front, to the point where I had actually tired of it. Tony was being a complete ass and all Ziva wanted was him to admit was that there was something between them. Their chemistry so far is promising that the writers will actually do something positive with their relationship this season.

Also, this season is totally about using Cote's strengths. Singing! Spanish! Sexiness!
3. Boat Action!
4. McAbby!

So much love.
5. The Flu!

this was honestly one of my fav episodes... and of course, since I'm an angst whore I really loved all the implications that Tony had a rough time dealing with the director's death, which was usually combined with great Tiva moments in which Ziva seemed to care about tony... ahhh, tasty angst.
as to the most recent episode, I enjoyed the team parts of it (and of course the tony parts) but didn't it seem a bit... straightforward? for an ncis episode? Usually I'm so confused by the end of an NCIS episode that I don't know or care why whoever it was did what they did. This time I just felt like, duh, of course that's what we all though had happened at the beginning of the episode. Still enjoyable though.
True fact!
Tony was so angsty!
"Do you blame yourself for the director's death?"
"Not as much as I used to."
"Do you still drink?"
"Not as much as I used to."
*swooning with angst*
See, the reason my summary for this ep is so short is because I couldn't even remember who the guy was who did it or why he did it or why it was related to Anthrax...which, you're right, is how I feel after most NCIS episodes. Which is probably why I liked the most recent one because I could totally follow the plot. Plus, cupcake.
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