"Say Goodnight, Gracie" from Gilmore Girls Season 3
Recap: Dave asks Mrs. Kim for permission to take Lane to prom. She responds with "Let never day nor night unhallow'd pass, but still remember what the Lord hath done." Dave decides to look it up in the Bible to find out if it's a yes or a no.
The Moment:
Dave: I stayed up all night. I read the entire Bible cover to cover. I don't know what it means.
Mrs. Kim: David.
Dave: You have to tell me what it means. Is it a yes, is it a no? I can't feel my right elbow anymore. I don't know why, but I can't.
Mrs. Kim: David.
Dave: Please, just tell me. I'm so tired.
Mrs. Kim: It's not from the Bible.
Dave: What?
Mrs. Kim: It's Shakespeare. Henry VI. I like to goof off now and then too, you know.
Dave: Shakespeare.
Mrs. Kim: That is a very difficult thing to do, reading the Bible in one night. I myself have only done it three times. You need great determination and excellent light. I'm very impressed. All right.
Dave: All right what?
Mrs. Kim: You can go to the prom, but you cannot get married.
Dave: That seems fair to me.
Lane: And me! The person who is going upstairs to think about what she's done!

Dave: Yes, ma'am. Thank you, Mrs. Kim.
Mrs. Kim: Lane!
Lane: Thinking about what I've done!

Thoughts: I love Dave/Lane because he's a Ted Mosby: he makes huge gestures in order to win a girl (in this case, the girl's mother) over. Their relationship arc is basically showing how Dave is the ultimate guy because he is relentless in getting on Lane's mom's good side. This scene and this episode is so good for Dave and Lane because he finally wins Mrs. Kim over completely. Unfortunately, Adam Brody got a job on The O.C. immediately after this season of Gilmore Girls so the writers were forced to break up the perfect, most adorable couple ever inexplicably without Adam ever coming onscreen to do it properly.
Of course, this episode also has Dean telling Rory about his engagement, so it's not all good. But the Dave/Lane prom subplot makes it worth it.
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