Sunday, March 1, 2009

Shippy Moment of the Day: "I Don't Still Love You. Just So that You Know." (Veronica Mars)

Veronica Clears Things Up with Duncan
"Like a Virgin" from Veronica Mars Season 1

Recap: Duncan is Veronica's ex-boyfriend. Someone stole her computer password and sent him emails saying that she possibly gave him a venereal disease.

The Moment:

The scene starts at 1:30.

For a billionaire, Duncan wore the same outfit a lot.

Veronica: Duncan? Hey!
Duncan: Hey.

Awkward, clarifying-but-really-covering-up talk.

Veronica: Somebody stole my computer password and used it to send fake emails from me to you. So I don't have VD--I've never had VD--and I don't still love you. Just so that you know.

Lying! Why do they lie to each other?!

Duncan: Good. 'Cause I'm not, you know, still hung up on you or anything.
Veronica: I never thought you were.

Painful silence due to your LYING LIES!

And then Duncan breaks the tension. People always forget
that Duncan was actually really, legitimately funny.
Not Logan snarky, but just goofy.

Duncan: Wait--you don't have VD? 'Cause I keep getting this thing on my lip and I'm not sure who I could have gotten it from...

And they reclaim a little of the playful, loving energy
that used to define their relationship.

And Duncan gives her a little wave. Just a beautiful touch,
and very reminiscent of his wave to her during "The Wrath of Con."

Thoughts: I thought about picking a flashback moment or a Season 2 moment to start off with, but it felt right to get into the groove of where DuVe were in the beginning of Season 1. I know I'm in the minority of fans when it comes to shipping Duncan/Veronica (compared to Logan/Veronica), which amuses me to no end. Because Veronica Mars is the perfect example of a show where a later couple (Logan and Veronica) unexpectedly develops ridiculous, epic chemistry despite the pre-established "true love" (Duncan and Veronica), and the show actually decides to follow the chemistry! The one place where my usually rotten shipping habits would be successful and I ship the other way! *Le sigh*

Anyway. What's great about Duncan and Veronica in Season 1 is how much they love each other and simply can't deny it. They try dating other people or ignoring each other, but it doesn't work. They can lie to each other and themselves, but especially through Veronica's flashbacks, it's evident how great their love was (and is). This scene is a great example of this dynamic. A short conversation that is both steeped in awkwardness but also genuine affection.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


i better see a veronica-logan post. asap.