"Love, Daisies, and Troubadours" from Gilmore Girls Season 1
Recap: Dean broke up with Rory because he's convinced she doesn't love him as much as he loves her. Rory has been spending the past few episodes either stalking Dean, breaking down emotionally before the whole town, or trying to ignore the flirtations of Tristan. During this episode in particular, she embraces her Dean box, gives a subtext-laden speech about how song-writing can give you the ability to say what you feel but don't know how to say and mildly traumatizes Dean's sister by creepily stopping by. As she walks out of Chilton, Tristan steals her books in order to convince her to go out with him.
The Moment:

only one that I didn't hate with a passion.

or called her, but he willingly goes onto the unfamiliar turf of Chilton where
he's previous dealt with a certain amount of animosity (from Tristan in particular)
because he needs to know if Rory actually loves him.
Dean: I'm leaving.

his heart and sacrifice himself than be with a girl who doesn't love him.
Dean: I shouldn't have come.
Rory: No, wait.
Dean: I feel like an idiot.
Rory: Why?
Dean: 'Cause I come all the way out here to see you with him. That's just great.
Rory: No, Tristan was just--
Dean: I don't care.
Rory: No, listen!
Dean: He's got your books, Rory.
Rory: But he took them and wouldn't give them back. Please just tell me why you're here.
Dean: I just don't even know.
Rory: Yes, you do.
Dean: 'Cause I thought you--Forget it.
Rory: No, say it.

She knows why Dean is here. She knows that this could be the moment where they
can get back together. But, in true Gilmore Girl fashion, she talks around it instead of at it.
Dean: I thought you were trying to talk to me.
Rory: Oh.
Dean: I mean, you came to my house.
Rory: That wasn't me.
Dean: It was you.
Rory: It must've been someone that looked like me.
Dean: My sister recognized you from the pictures in my box.
Rory: In what box?
Dean: The box of stuff I have of us. Pictures and letters and everything from you.
Rory: You have a Rory box?

crap to drag around. Maybe he wasn't literary or rich or snarky, but he openly loved
Rory. He's the Aiden to Rory's Carrie. The best guy, but, perhaps, not the best guy for
her (although I would argue against that, but I think that's the general consensus).
Rory: I don't know what I was talking about.
Dean: That had nothing to do with me? Well, I must have imagined it all then. Your boyfriend's waiting.
Rory: He's not my boyfriend. I hate him.
Dean: Whatever.
Rory: Dean.
Dean: What?
Rory: Stop.
Dean: Why?
Rory: Because I love you, you idiot!

gratifying this moment was after weeks of moping and angsting.

off to the side and removes himself.
Thoughts: This entire episode is just PERFECT. Rory and Dean finally get back together with the appropriate amount of craziness. Max proposes with a thousand yellow daisies. Like, seriously. SO MUCH CUTENESS.
Dean got horribly shafted in the Gilmore Girls world, which annoys me to no end. They traded him and Tristan (what wonderful foils of hotness!) for Jess, who just ended up being a total loser because they counted their spin-off chickens before they were hatched and wrote him out and blah blah blah. One thing that does truly upset me about Gilmore Girls/The WB is that they are so desperate to build up their established actors so that they can put them in new shows so that those new shows don't fail that they end up ripping up relationships without much regard to plot or motivation. Dean, Tristan, and Jess all suffered from this, resulting in hasty exits that their characters did not deserve and leaving Logan as a last resort (although, apparently he got better).
More on topic, though, the ending of this episode is just one of the best SQUEE! moments that I can pick from all of my fandoms. Both protagonists are happy and I'm estatic. Just a wonderful, wonderful episode that never fails to make me laugh/put me in a good mood.

I love Gilmore Girls, especially season one, etc. etc. etc.
My only issue with this ("this" being both the scene and their relationship in general) is that it would *never* happen.
Sorry to spit romantic idealism in the face, but Dean would never be interested in Rory and vis versa.
But yes, cute scene, great ep, thanks for posting!
Ryan! What is with your snarky malarkey!
I like to think that TV is what life should be in many ways and I certainly like to idealize when I can.
I love Rory/Dean and the relationship played pre-Dean getting married. I know it's not for everyone, but I enjoyed it a lot. I especially loved this scene. It was pre-Spoiler Age and I had no idea it was coming and it was just wonderful.
BUT, I can understand why YMMV.
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