"Hunters" from Star Trek: Voyager Season 4
Recap: Voyager discovers an array that allows them to communicate with home. Letters from the Alpha Quadrant begin pouring in. Harry, especially, is super-stoked. Tom, however, has been really moody about it. Chakotay and B'Elanna find out about how the Maquis (their old guerilla organization) was slaughtered by the Cardassians. B'Elanna takes Seven's post at Astrometrics to continue downloading letters as Seven and Tuvok go to try to stabilize the connection.
The Moment:

Captain: Go ahead.
Janeway: He's on his way.

That, and Janeway is totally okay with it. I wonder how much private time
Tom and B'Elanna normally take during their shifts.
Also, Roxann's totally wearing the overcoat to cover up her pregnancy.
B'Elanna: It's a letter for you. It's coming through right now.
Tom: For me?
B'Elanna: It's right here...
Tom: Who's it from?
B'Elanna: Can't tell yet...
Tom: Maybe it's from the rehab colony, telling me I've violated probation.
B'Elanna: Why are you acting like this?
Tom: I just want to know who the letter's from, okay?
B'Elanna: We should know in a minute.
Tom: I'll be on the bridge.
B'Elanna: What, you're not going to wait?
Tom: I'm on duty.
B'Elanna: Voyager is hanging in space. There's not a lot to do at the helm.
Tom: I just thought that I should be at my post.
B'Elanna: You may be able to fool someone else with that ploy, but you're talking to me, Tom.
Tom: Just download the letter, okay?
B'Elanna: A little more has come in. It's from Starfleet. From an Admiral Owen? Do you know him?
Tom: Admiral Owen Paris. He's my father.
B'Elanna: That's wonderful.
Tom: Yeah. Maybe. I don't know why, but the more everyone gets excited about these letters from home, the more I don't want any part of it. Maybe because what I have on Voyager is so much better than anything I ever had back there. I just don't want the reminder.
B'Elanna: You're not the same person you were four years ago. What makes you think he is?
Tom: You don't know him.
B'Elanna: Just give him a chance. He's obviously trying to reach out.
Tom: When he forms an opinion about something, nothing can change his mind.
B'Elanna: Fine. Excuse me if I can't feel terribly sorry for you. I learned this morning that a lot of my friends are dead. And I've gone from being so angry that I wanted to kill someone to crying for an hour and now I'm just trying to accept it and move on.
Tom: B'Elanna, that's awful. I'm so sorry. And here I'm going on about something that doesn't matter anymore.

feelings instead of ignoring them and talking only about themselves.
Tom: Yeah. I guess I still do.
B'Elanna: I'll let you know when I get the whole letter.
Thoughts: And then she procedes to not finish downloading it and losing it when the datastream collapses. I had always hoped it was because she actually did download the letter and it was awful, so she deleted it. But no. It's just a downloading error that doesn't make much sense to me. LAME.
I thought briefly about doing a moment from "Drive," but this one popped in my head almost immediately instead. What's so great about it is that you really get a sense of who Tom and B'Elanna were and who they've become. You get to see a glimpse of how successful the show has been at evolving these two characters both seperately and in their relationship together, especially how they relate to each other. B'Elanna is able to talk sense into Tom and he is able to comfort her. They both come into this conversation needing an ear and compassion, and the other person is ready and willing to offer both of them.
Plus, it totally all foreshadows B'Elanna's massive daddy issues latter.
I love this episode because it's really character-driven. Admittedly, there IS a plot involving the introduction of the Hirogens, but I don't care. This episode was all about character bonding. Tom and B'Elanna. B'Elanna and Harry (I love how she personally delivers his letter). Janeway and Chakotay. Seven and Everybody, especially Tuvok. It reminds you that you don't just watch for the space battles, but for the characters, whose relationships are, relatively, well-written.
oh god, P/T makes my heart warm and bubbly. Thanks! I'll stop telling you what to post now. I think Tom and B'Elana are my ultimate ship. In fact, they are kind of my only ship, given that while I may prefer some couples over others usually I still don't care very much. But Tom and B'Elana... I guess one of the reasons I often dislike ships is that I fall in love with individual characters and then his/her character gets massacred once s/he becomes part of a couple (or the relationship goes sour and everyone gets mopey and hates each other, which I also don't enjoy *glares at Joss*). But Tom and B'Elana rarely did this. When B'Elana's having 'i am a half breed and so is my kid' issues, I love that she's screaming at Tom to go away and he stays with her anyway because he loves her. Brilliant!
Voyager may have been a crappy scifi show, but it was honestly really good with its characters. Well, maybe if you ignore whatever the hell Tuvix was trying to do.
It's SO TRUE. I wish people got that audiences LIKE to see their couple happy. I mean, you can deal with whatever problems that may happen, but constant, "Will they? With Whom? Or will TPTB just KILL ONE OF THEM OFF?"
P/T is great because it's forward-moving, instead of sput-sput-sputtering or moving back and forth. It's a constant process of learning to trust each other, falling in love, deciding to commit to each other, and (eventually, although accidentally) having a child/building a family together.
And I LOVE "Lineage." So much P/T goodness!
Oh! And feel free to make requests. I am going to try to alternate fandoms for right now so it doesn't get too heavy in one show or another (as I felt it did with three posts of Smallville), but suggest away and I will try my best!
I have trouble thinking of ships to suggest, mostly because many of them are MOMENT ships, not moment ships.
crap do I really not pay attention to romance this much...
I guess one of the reasons I like Nate/Vanessa is actually because they have way more moments than MOMENTS, which I think is pretty much the basis of Nate's caring about Vanessa (esp. over Jenny) because after being with Blair (or Jenny) I imagine one gets sick of MOMENTS. And much as I think Chair is meant to be, they are totally a MOMENTS couple. But I don't remember how much you like N/V...
Perhaps... Tony/Ziva? I have always appreciated that NCIS has kept it's romantic relationships slowly progressing... though I imagine it's hard to find moments between these two that don't involve bickering. Honestly, sometimes I think relationships are neglected on this show because it's so procedural, but who knows.
Damn, I'm really bad at this. Did you watch 4th season Everwood? Because Bright/Hannah was really sweet.
I'm out of ideas for now.
Dude, I love MOMENTS!. I mean, it's usually what keeps ships going, gives episodes SQUEE! factors.
I shall cover the ships you suggest. But, to counter my subtle shipping, I'm going to pick a MOMENT! to cover next. The MOMENT! is yet to be picked, but it will be MOMENT!ous. ;)
I guess I'm leary of MOMENTS because they often lead to EPIC PAIN! Which is odd, because I enjoy whumping. I guess for some reason I don't enjoy romantic whumping? Except I do... I guess some doddery, prudish part of me squees way more for moments than MOMENTS. Though I do love MOMENTS when they are a couple getting together. Like when Angel becomes human and Buffy shows up in LA and he lurks by a tree til she sees him and then he steps out into the sun and they kiss... awww.
Though if you want a momentful couple, Ephram and Amy would suit. Or Chair. Or any relationship from The O.C. Or Neo and Trinity. Or Tristan and Isolde. Or Romeo and Juliet (what?!? their relationship was one giant MOMENT).
by the way, I keep meaning to mention that the upside of the fact that Gossip Girl has been UNFAIRLY DELAYED until mid-March is that we will totally be on spring break for at least one new episode! Party?
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