"Citizen Joe" from Stargate: SG-1 Season 8
Recap: It's the opening moment of the episode. So all you need to know is that Sam + Jack = OTP. ;)
The Shippy Moment:

Jack (on the phone): No, I have a thing with someone from the CIA. A Johnson someone or other. It's about the whole Kinsey thing.
Sam: So, any big plans for the weekend?
Jack: Oh yeah. Big. Huge!
I love how girly Sam looks here. Straight out of that phone song from Bye Bye Birdie.
Sam: Yeah, me neither.
Jack: Oh, what are you talkin' about? I just walked in with a whole handful of ingredients for my world-famous omelet.
Sam: World-famous, huh? What's in it?
Jack: Eggs.
Sam: I don't think that that actually qualifies as a recipe.
Jack: Oh, don't kid yourself. There's a secret ingredient. I can't tell you what it is, or I'd have to shoot you.
She has that "I know your weirdness so well I don't have to guess" look.
Sam: It's beer, isn't it?
Jack: Carter--
Jack: Let me call you back.
I love her smile here. So smug. But shouldn't they have a "I'm in trouble!" code word or something?
Sam: I knew it!
Thoughts: I could pick from a gazillion wonderfully shippy moments for my first Sam/Jack post, but I just adore this one. It's not overtly romantic. In fact, it's not romantic at all. Sam is engaged, for crying out loud! But what I love about this moment (it's one of my favorites, after all), is that it's just perfectly simple and real. A lot of the Sam/Jack moments over the course of the series have been MOMENTS! where Sam and Jack have to deal with FEELINGS! and REGULATIONS! Which is all fine and angsty and good, but I always had that nagging voice wondering that if they actually did get together if they would even work. Because, let's face it, most relationships have to survive the day-to-day to last, not just the MOMENTS!
It's one thing to flirt in the workplace. It's another to have to depend on each other in a military setting. It's quite another altogether to actually be in a relationship. And this moment is one that assures me that Sam and Jack could be in a relationship and that they aren't just UST.
I love how she knows him so well that she realizes what his secret ingredient is. I love how they're obviously skirting around the idea of getting together to do something (God knows what) that weekend. I love how Sam is calling him from a phone in the hallway, meaning that she called him (and we all know how Sam never takes the first step easily, so she must really want to talk to him). I love how they playfully tease each other. It's practically a perfect moment except for
a) the introduction of Kerry Johnson, Jack's future girlfriend and
b) the arrival of Homer Simpson trying to kill Jack.
You know what? Scratch that. b) is also pretty awesome.
have I mentioned that I enjoy your new dedication to blogging multiple times a day? it allows me to indulge my newfound need to comment on anything that moves.
anyhoo, I was never a huge S/J shipper (mostly, they've crossed my 'old people, don't care' line) but they did have some awfully cute moments. Honestly, it's the understated moments that make me squee the most, not the giant, heart-wrenching ones. My favorites parts of say the Buffy/Angel relationship were when they were just bantering and being funny, not when they were being ANGSTY and UNCERTAIN or HAVING SEX AND UNLEASHING GREAT EVIL.
I'm trying! I don't know how long my dedication will last (I've already lapsed one day), but I'm trying my best!
I love the understated moments, which is probably why I love Naley so much on One Tree Hill. Give me an established relationship with tons of real world squee and I'm all over that.
Oh, Bangel. In that vein, I think I will post my favorite B/A moment tomorrow (and it's not a MOMENT!).
yay B/A moments! Though actually, most MOMENTS they had don't qualify as squee-worthy given their general completely-depressing-inevitable-doom-we're-from-two-worlds quality. I mean, every single moment of 'I will remember you' is tainted with angst... makes them hard to squee over, except they're totally squeeful. Or maybe David Boreanaz is just hot.
There are a few moments where they're just talking that are quite nice, though.
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