Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Spoiler Snark: Smallville Renewed, Stargate Universe Cast

Make way for the ranting...


Has been renewed for a ninth season. Why? This season has featured some of the WORST episodes in the entire run of the season. The arc has been weak. Not to mention, how can you have an enemy bigger than Doomsday?

Every character has been ruined this season. Chloe? She's a step beyond Pod!Chloe. She's Possessed!DoomsdayFeeding!Chloe. Lois? A desperate hot mess. Clark? Let's turn the dial from just plain whiny to ANGST!INCONSISTENCY. Oliver? Douche-y and extraneous. The only good characters are Dooms and Tess, and unless Tess unleashes her evil army of meteor freaks, I'm not going to like her that much either.

Please, TPTB, tell me how you plan to write next season. Tell me a smattering of what you have planned. Because after this season, it could only be more crap that serves to dishonor the mythos of Superman and the glory that was the early years of the show.

Stargate Universe

is now boasting a ridiculously large, ridiculously seasoned cast, including Robert Carlyle, Lou Diamond Phillips, Ming-Na, Alaina Huffman, Elyse Levesque, David Blue, Justin Louis, Brian J. Smith, and Jamil Walker Smith. Yes. That's NINE main cast members, although Mr. Phillips may just be recurring. Stargate has never had more than, what, six cast members? And even at that, it sucks. They cut the fat, replace characters, and never give enough development unless you're part of a ship or you're a break-out. I figure they're trying to go for a Lost-style "we have so many people on this ship that's in the middle of nowhere" feel, but Stargate isn't Lost. It doesn't have the same fondness for mythology or character development. I'm worried about even watching this show because I know that it will be a risk getting attached to any of them (I'm still not over the deaths of Janet, Beckett, and Elizabeth).

Also, I guess with Alaina cast, there goes the Green Arrow/Black Canary spin-off.

TV, why do you hate me?

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