Thursday, February 26, 2009

Shippy Moment of the Day: "John Sheppard, Are You Defending My Honor?" (Stargate: Atlantis)

John Tells Elizabeth Why He Hates Woolsey
"Misbegotten" from Stargate: Atlantis Season 3

Recap: Woolsey sucks.

The Moment:

I love how he just barges into her office and goes straight into it.

John: Just out of political curiosity, how much trouble is it going to cause you if I knock this Woolsey guy in the head?

Elizabeth always seems perpetually bemused
with John. Love her smile.

Elizabeth: May I ask why you'd like to do that?
John: It's just an impulse I had, really. One I suspect I'm going to have again the next time I see him. He might not even need to say anything
Elizabeth: I've never seen you like this. What did Woolsey do to you?

And he states it like it's obvious.

John: Besides judging every damn decision you've ever made?

The eyebrow! The eyebrow!

Elizabeth: John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?

And there's this delightful moment of sputtering before:

John: And judging me for agreeing with you.
Elizabeth: Well, don't be too hard on him. I think of all the circling wolves, he's the least likely to actually bite. In fact, he might convince them to leave us alone.


John: Alright, head-knocking?

Once again, her John Smile. ;)

Elizabeth: It's the thought that counts.

Thoughts: I could have easily gone angsty for my first Sparky moment, but I decided against it because the write-off of Elizabeth Weir still pisses me off to no end. As far as I'm concerned, Atlantis ended before "Sunday" and both Beckett and Weir are alive. So, I decided to do a shippy moment from a part of the season that doesn't fill me with sadness/anger.

This scene is just so cute because it illustrates the John/Elizabeth power dynamic. He is super-impulsive and she just needs to calm him down. Plus, DEFENDING HER HONOR! He totally always does! It's so cute.

And just for the record: Sheppard/Weir is sooo canon. I know, I know, John and Teyla had their moments, but every scene Elizabeth and John share is crackling with chemistry. (Plus Teyla/Ronen. Duh.)

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