"Desperate Kingdom of Love" from One Tree Hill Season 2
Recap: Haley and Nathan got married offscreen in the season one finale. In this moment, Haley flashes back to Nathan's proposal.
The Moment:
Nathan: Haley.

boundaries. *Sigh* How much do I love him?

forehead-to-forehead variety. They are ridiculously cute/intimate.
Haley: So could I.
Nathan: You're my family now, Haley. The true thing I have. I never wanna lose you.
Haley: You won't.
Haley: What?
Nathan: Marry me.
Haley: Stop it.
Nathan: What, would you?
Haley: Oh, you're embarrassing me.
Nathan: Why not?
Haley: Because...we're in high school!
Nathan: So what? I'm emancipated.
Haley: Is this about sex? Because I want to wait?
Nathan: No, I can see you caving on that one already.
Haley: Well, maybe so. Nathan, couples don't get married in high school. It's just--it's not normal.
Nathan: So? I'm not normal. What I'm feeling is definitely not normal and to be honest with you, Haley, I don't ever want to normal. Not with you. I'm serious.
Haley: I know you are.

Nathan: Okay, so I'll say it again. I could love you forever.
Haley: Nathan, so could I, but--
Nathan: So then, why can't forever start today?
Thoughts: How can anyone NOT love Naley? Seriously. Ignore the Brooke/Lucas/Peyton love triangle. Nathan/Haley is and always will be the heart of One Tree Hill.
What I love about this scene is how clearly it exemplifies the relationship that they share. They're completely, desperately, head-over-heels in love. The scene has lust/passion, playful banter, but, most importantly, an open forum to discuss important issues. Nathan took a huge risk proposing to his girlfriend of less than a year. It shows how much he trusts Haley with his hopes, dreams, and future, especially after a year of upheaval.
From Haley's side, she's the logical one. She has to go through steps A-Z before making a decision. Which is why it impresses me even more that Nathan was able to convince her to marry him. Nathan is able to make her feel loved and safe. She is able to throw caution to the wind because of how deeply she loves him and how much she knows he loves her.
I mean, of course there are the obvious concerns about two sophomores in high school getting married. Especially from Nathan's side, he's been through a lot in the past year. He's been thrown out of his throne at the top of the hierarchy with his cheerleader girlfriend and overbearing father. He's been forced to compete with his half-brother. The only real constant has been his growing relationship with Haley. It could be argued that Nathan is turning to her for stability, but as the seasons continue, it's clear how much Nathan (still) loves Haley. Obviously, their marriage is not typical or recommended, but the show was smart enough to keep them together through it all. Because, let's face it: without Naley, who would watch?
AWWWWWW NALEY LOVE!!! thank you for this. :)
back when i watched one tree hill, i adored nathan and haley. they are definitely the heart of the show. so, so good. great job!
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